When you check your mailbox every day, there's a strong chance you've received a postcard or a flyer from a firm from which you've made a purchase. Marketers adore direct mail because it generates more return on investment than practically anything else. This very powerful marketing tool has a superpower, but only if it's used: merely adding a recipient's name to a leaflet can boost response rates by up to 135%. Yes, we can say that Personalization is now a marketing term. And that’s where Variable Data Printing comes into picture.
How Does Variable Data Printing Work?
Variable data printing (VDP) combines individual information (name, address, purchase history, and more) from a customer database maintained on your company's network with a print project file. Your marketing department may start a print job using variable data printing software that pulls relevant information and unique graphics into the marketing campaign and inserts it alongside customized information.
The software application employs a complex set of criteria that allows your team to customize print output for each customer. This goes beyond the conventional mail merging functionality of merely altering a name. Everything in the document, from the graphics and text to the usage of color and pictures, may be controlled by software rules and implemented automatically during printing.
When Do We Use Variable Data Printing?
One of the most common uses of VDP for your company is to keep current clients and encourage repeat business. Based on their past, your company may create a personal relationship with current and previous consumers and recommend new services or goods to them. Furthermore, individualized direct mail is much better fit for developing trust than email for another reason: when customers look at a flyer, they don't have to think about any type of phishing scams and can believe what they're reading.
Variable data printing is a straightforward yet powerful technique that can elevate your marketing to new heights. Additionally, you may use the same platform for invoicing, mail addressing, and other tasks. Get in touch with Spectra today and have the best of variable data printing.
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